Dr. Jeffrey Etess

Implant Surgery Micro-Articles

Announcing the launch of our Implant Surgery Micro-Article Database! Thanks for checking out our Micro-Articles on Implant Surgery. You can find all the information you want (and possibly more) right here on our website at https://www.idsli.com/implant-surgery/ We believe that the best patients are informed patients and the articles you find in the Implant Surgery library Implant Surgery Micro-Articles

Website launched, Pediatric and Implant Surgery Pages Still To Come…

That’s right folks! OUR NEW WEBSITE, IDSLI.COM, IS LIVE! **Cheering ensues**… Ok… we’ll be realistic, there’s probably no cheering, but there should be! This site represents well over 100 hours of work between Dr. Jeff and Dave (the web developer)!! We put in this time because we care deeply about the quality of the final Website launched, Pediatric and Implant Surgery Pages Still To Come…

Oral Surgery Procedures

We put together a collection of information on the different Oral Surgery Procedures that we perform here at Integrative Dental Specialists of Long Island. That page and the articles we have published there are a great way to gain better understanding and answer some of the most common questions about Oral Surgery that we get Oral Surgery Procedures